Thoughts matter...


Our thoughts and the experiences that they swim in give shape to the people that we become.  Far too often we become mired in a mental rut, operating out of thoughts that have been prepackaged for us by others, or thoughts that have been malformed through painful experiences of our past.  In Romans 12 Paul writes that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  It is my hope that what is written here opens doors for the Spirit to work in the lives of those who read these words, think these thoughts, and allow themselves to be shaped by them.



"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."                                                    &nbsp…

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."                                                                                                              (Annie Dillard) 


Who am I? Why am I?  What's important to me?

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"Writing is an unfolding of what is going on inside me as I talk to myself on a pad of paper or a computer."                                        (…

"Writing is an unfolding of what is going on inside me as I talk to myself on a pad of paper or a computer."                                        (Parker Palmer)


Here's what I'm talking to myself about.

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